Dog friendly cafes in Tywyn

The best places around Tywyn to enjoy a coffee and cake with your dog

We love a good coffee and cake, especially when we can bring our dogs along. Here’s a list of our favourite dog friendly cafes in and around Tywyn. Some dog friendly places to eat also go the extra mile and provide your furry friend with doggy treats!

Some of the cafes and restaurants will allow your dog inside, whilst others have dog-friendly seating outside – so it’s best to check with the cafe or restaurant beforehand if the weather is unpredictable.

Related: When are dogs allowed on Tywyn beach?

  • Peniarth Arms at Bryncrug

    The Peniarth Arms is a family owned business. It has many things to offer, including a dining room area, bar, a beer garden and accommodation.
  • Tŷ Te Cadair Tea Room

    Traditional home made cakes, scrumptious soups, freshly made sandwiches, baguettes & hot lunches. Ingredients locally sourced where possible.
  • Toast Coffee Shop

    Toast Coffee House is the perfect place to enjoy a great cup of coffee and bite to eat. They use only the best local produce to make their coffee and food, and they're passionate about making sure that everything is just perfect. Toast's Toasties are made with freshly-baked bread from Tywyn Bakery, and the coffees are made with locally-roasted beans from Poblado Coffi.
  • The Retreat Bar & Cafe

    A friendly and relaxed small bar & cafe situated in the historic Old Market Hall in Tywyn, offering freshly cooked food made using mainly local ingredients and serving beers, a selection of carefully chosen wines & gins, and fabulous cocktails.
  • Coast Deli & Dining

    Offering the very best of Welsh food and drink overlooking Church Bay, Aberdyfi.
  • King’s Cafe at Talyllyn Railway

    Whether you're waiting for a train, or just enjoying the sights - a stop at the King's Cafe at the Talyllyn Railway is a very enjoyable experience.
  • Millie & Sid’s

    A wonderful dog friendly cafe in the heart of Tywyn, Millie & Sid's is a great place to grab a coffee and homemade cake.